The Tempur Luxe Adapt mattress: Memory foam magic

by dcfashionfool
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Often what lies beneath is more important on the outside. Let’s be honest. When was the last time you thought about your mattress? If you’re like me the answer is, “Rarely.” So when I was given the chance to try out the new Tempur Luxe Adapt mattress from, I jumped at the chance. Tempur-Pedic sent me the mattress, asked me to try it out and give my honest opinion.

I have to admit, I’ve never really thought about my mattresses. When I had my apartments in college, I don’t even remember where the mattresses came from. I think they were just hand me downs from upperclassmen. When I finally got my own apartment, I remember buying the cheapest mattress I could find. I think I paid more for the bedding than I did the bed. I was more focused on how the bed looked than the comfort of the bed itself. But let’s be real, you don’t yourself any favors with exquisite sheets on a crappy mattress.

Fast forward to buying my first house. With an additional bedroom, I needed a new mattress. Again, the focus was on aesthetics and that mattress barely lasted a couple of years before it was sinking and sagging. So with another trip to the local department store, I had another box spring mattress. It was better but just okay. It really was time to make a change.

One of the best things a person can do is get a good night’s rest. With the average person spending 1/3 of their life in bed, a quality mattress should be the foundation for creating the best sleep environment possible. Still, I never really considered my mattress to be that important. It wasn’t until I threw my back out that I came to this realization. Even once I healed, I was still having back issues every morning when I woke up. I never even considered that it was my mattress that was contributing to the problem.

Fast forward a few months later when my Tempur Luxe Adapt mattress arrived. The delivery of the new mattress meant a new way of sleeping. I was graduating from a box spring to Tempur material, an elevated and proprietary memory foam. I’m a big guy and I wasn’t sure how this new mattress set up would take. However I was pleasantly surprised. Who knew a piece of foam would be my salvation? Interstingly, Tempur-pedic doesn’t use memory foam but rather their own exclusive Tempur Material. The Tempur Material contains a patented formula that responds to the body’s temperature, weight and contours to provide personalized comfort and support.

The Tempur Luxe Adapt comes in two different styles: soft or firm. I chose the firm. And while the bed truly is firm, the mattress gives way to adjust to your body. It’s like sinking into a cloud. And while it accommodates and conforms to your body, your partner remains undisturbed. It’s the bed’s motion cancellation in action so they don’t feel your movement. This is truly an added bonus especially if your partner tends to shift around a lot at night.

However the most important thing I noticed was the improvement on my back. Almost immediately, I found I was getting much better sleep and wasn’t waking up with the stiff lower back. The morning lower back pain was something I thought I was going to have to live with but now it seems to be gone.

I’ve been sleeping on my Tempur Luxe Adapt mattress  for nearly 30 days and I can’t tell you how I look forward to crawling under the covers every night. The downside? I really miss my bed when I travel. These days, hotels beds just don’t seem to measure up.

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Jamelle Sanders March 7, 2019 - 8:18 am

Looks so comfy bro!

dcfashionfool March 11, 2019 - 1:18 am

It’s an awesome bed!

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