NYFWM’s Day 2 Look

by dcfashionfool
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One of the most peculiar things about any Fashion Week is the street style scene. Men and women dress in some of the most outrageous get-ups in order to catch the attention of the throngs of photographers outside the show venues in the hopes of being featured as the new purveyor of fashion.


It’s interesting the lengths some go through to achieve their few seconds of fame. One guy in a particularly striking fur coat actually had someone carrying his “real” clothes saying, “I just can’t wear this anywhere. I’d feel funny walking into Starbucks dressed like this!”

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I can’t lie I wouldn’t mind the attention for my style and may tend to “peacock” a tad in the hopes of being noted for my dapperness however the clothes I wear are things that I’d feel comfortable wearing everywhere. What I wore during New York Men’s Fashion Week are the same clothes that I would wear to Starbucks.


In between shows, I ventured up to the park at The High Line. It’s a public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side. On such a beautiful day, it was nice to take a quick break and check out New York City. It was also a nice setting to take a few shots of my latest look.

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This look may have been my boldest for the week but I’ve always loved a club jacket and this jacket was perfect for the day because the weather had been unseasonably warm. A nice wool blazer combined with a turtleneck was an ideal choice and I didn’t need an overcoat. And while I’m not Scottish, I am a huge fan of black watch plaid so I added these trousers. All that was needed was a pair of comfortable loafers and I set off to conquer Day 2 of Men’s Fashion Week.

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And remember I said I’d loved to be the subject of street style? Well here’s my 8 seconds of fame. I love Fashion Week!


Club Jacket Blazer: Ralph Lauren Polo; Ivory turtleneck: Ralph Lauren Purple Label (similar): Black watch plaid trousers: J. Crew (similar); Classic loafer: Tom Ford; Glasses: Oren Isaac


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