Lunch at Ocean Prime

by dcfashionfool
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Washingtonians have a variety of food options when it comes to dining in the district. Diners are rushing to what’s new now and next or checking off the Michelin star-rated hot spots. However, other good restaurants deserve a visit from time to time as well. Ocean Prime DC, located in the heart of downtown DC and not too far from the White House, is one of those places.

Ocean Prime is part of the Cameron Mitchell Restaurant Group. The company owns Ocean Prime restaurants throughout the country in cities such as Beverly Hills, New York City, Denver and Philadelphia. While some may disregard the restaurant as a high-end chain, there’s something to be said about knowing that one can get a great meal from an established quality restaurant. And while the menus tend to be fairly consistent across the company depending on location and seasonality each restaurant may have some slight differences to their offerings. Also, the chefs in each respective restaurant have the leeway to add their own spin to the menu through the different specials they offer.

I recently had the opportunity to have a leisurely lunch with Sylvia Colella and Anchyi Wei. From time to time, Sylvia, Anchyi and I like to get together to catch up on life, have a delicious meal and learn a little bit more about the restaurant. We like to spend a few minutes talking with the chef who’s creating and directing the magic in the restaurant. Our last adventure was to the Oval Room. This time we turn our efforts to Ocean Prime DC.


Anchyi, Barnette and Sylvia chat with the chef

Chef Leo Harvey has been at the helm of Ocean Prime DC for about a year and a half having transferred from Denver. While Denver may boast about its 300 days of sunshine, he is finding things to love about DC as well. He’s been fascinated by what the established chefs are doing in town and is determined to make his mark in Washington.

Sylvia: How would you describe the clients that come here in this particular location?

Chef Harvey: There’s a little bit of everybody from businessmen, politicians and even athletes. We don’t necessarily require a suit and tie to come in here.


Anchyi: What is your favorite dish here?

Chef Harvey:  It’s kind of hard to say because every time I try something that I haven’t had in a while I how good it is. I go through phases but honestly, my favorites so far are the ones that I’ve been coming up with for our lunch dishes. I love our Lamb Bolognese. It’s going on my fall and winter menu parts starting in October.

Barnette: What are some of the other things that you’re adding for fall?

Chef Harvey: Something we’re already featuring right now that we plan to have for fall is a honey glazed salmon salad. It’s honey-glazed salmon with kale and arugula, a little shaved fennel, granny smith apples and toasted almonds with a goat cheese lemon mustard vinaigrette. Our etouffee is a staple on our lunch card for a long time so I’m actually putting that on the actual lunch menu. My predecessor came up with it. It’s simple to execute and it’s really really good. Plus I’m currently working on some sort of sandwich ideas.

Sylvia: Where do you get your inspiration?

Chef Harvey:  I get inspired by the seasons whatever’s in season at the time. I also try to look at different factors like what’s the difficulty in executing or how is it going to sell. I could come up with something that’s great but it doesn’t work with people that walk in our doors. It could work for another restaurant but wouldn’t work here. I also read magazines like Bon Appetit and I look around at other restaurants’ menus. That’s to see what’s going on so I’m not duplicating anything. At the end of the day, I want to see works and to create something interesting for the restaurant.

Anchyi: What do people want when they come here? Is there a most popular dish?

Chef Harvey: lt kind of goes through trends. Today steak frites was one of the number one sellers today. We do have a lot of regulars who know what they want. I think the etouffee is usually one of those items because it’s just been on our menu for so long. Also the blackened salmon salad. It’s probably the most popular dish throughout all the Ocean Primes.

Barnette: When you create something for here does it go to any of the other Ocean Primes ?

Chef Harvey: No no not typically but that’s what I’m working on now. However, my regional chef just asked me for a couple of recipes that I’ve created. He wants to use them in some of the other stores. I have a mini version of a lobster roll that’s on our lounge menu that he likes. I also do a cinnamon roll bread pudding he’s asked for that recipe. It’s always been one of my goals to get a menu item on all of the Ocean Primes.


What I wore

If you’ve been following me, you know I love a bold print. I love the mod look of the print but the suit is decidedly modern. The suit is made to measure. Made to measure suits are now in the realm of possibilities for a lot of men looking for a suit. At a wide range of price points, made to measure suits are much more accessible and offer a multitude of options to create your own unique look. To bring out the burgundy in the plaid, I paired the look with a burgundy tie and floral lapel pin. Black sunnies and chelsea boots completed the look.

Plaid suit, white shirt and tie – Indochino | Sunglasses – Tom Ford | Chelsea boots – Prada

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1 comment

Jamelle Sanders October 12, 2019 - 5:32 pm

Looks like it was a fun time bro!

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