How to rock a bold suit look

by dcfashionfool
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A suit in blues, grays, and browns are typically the go to suit for most guys. It’s the de rigueur attire for most occasions when a suit is required.  Nothing beats a well-dressed man in a superbly tailored suit. But what if you want to stand out a bit more? Is it easy to rock a bold suit? The answer is a resounding yes with a few tips. Whether you just want to make a slight change or go all out, the answer is a resounding yes. Here are few ways to achieve that bold suit look.

Classic to Bold Suit

1 – Subtle changes

Before we jump right into bold patterns and bright colors, let’s look at an easier way to make your suit stand out. Keep the suit simple and amp up the accessories. Starting with either a solid color or a subtle pattern as your suit base, try adding a pattern to your dress shirt or opt a bright colored tie. A brightly colored tie with a complimentary pocket square can give the entire look an extra pop. The same thing can be said with a patterned dressed shirt. A bolder pattern in the dress shirt can complement the smaller pattern in the suit. Not quite the crazy patterns and color but it’s a start.


A Bold Suit - Solid suit/bolder tie

Solid suit/bolder tie

A bold suit - Gray suit/Bright Tie

Gray suit/Bright Tie

Details – Navy Suit, shirt and tie – Suit Supply | Charcoal Suit – Ralph Lauren Purple Label, tie – Ike Behar


2 –  Bolder patterns

It’s a good idea to have the standards in suits. Those navys, charcoals and grays can be excellent staples in a guy’s closet. However adding some bolder patterns can also be a great asset to a wardrobe. Here we are still not advocating anything too wild. We are suggesting something like a glen plaid or window pane pattern. These patterns are a step up from the solids and really smaller mini-checks and help to start moving up the spectrum for that bold suit look. Even at this level, bolder accessories help to make these looks even stronger. One precaution:  if adding patterns to your accessories make sure the pattern is smaller than the suit pattern. Competing large patterns can cause the entire ensemble to look too busy.

A Bold Suit - Glen plaid suit/ bright tie

Glen plaid suit/ bright tie

A bold suit - Windowpane

Windowpane pattern

Details – Glen Plaid Suit – Canali, tie – Ferragamo| Windowpane Suit – Suit Supply, tie – Countess Mara


3  –  Add color to the pattern

Adding colors like bright blue, burgundy and reds along with the pattern really cause the suit to stand out At this level, the suit becomes the star of the look. Accessories take a back seat but still should coordinate with the suit. Chose colors that are part of the pattern or are complimentary to the suit.  The good news is your bold pattern suit game is now on point. The bad news is people start to notice and people start to notice if your outfit is heavily on repeat.

A Bold Suit - Bold pattern with color

Bold pattern with color

A Bold Suit - Bold blue pattern

Bold blue pattern

Details: Plaid suit with burgundy , shirt and tie – Indochino | Blue plaid Suit – Indochino, tie – The Dark Knot

4 – Let it all go

You want a bold look? You want people to notice? Grab those wild patterns and bold colors and let it all hang out. All it takes is confidence and attitude. Sure, sometimes it may look gimmicky and the suits are not appropriate for every occasion but you have to admit they are a lot of fun!

Details: Blazer, Pants and polo  Mr. Turk

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