Fighting razor bumps if your skin is sensitive

by dcfashionfool
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I have sensitive skin and when it comes to shaving, I’ve always suffered from breakouts. So shaving is one of those love/hate relationships that exist in my life. I love the feeling of a good close shave, but I hate the possibility that I may break out as a result. I thought I’d share some of my tips for fighting razor burn or other skin discomforts if you have sensitive skin.


I find that a good razor is one of the key elements in helping to prevent razor bumps and skin irritation issues. That’s why I was eager to try the Gillette® SkinGuard Razor because it is designed for sensitive skin. While I don’t knock my bearded brethren, I am one of those guys that prefer to be clean-shaven. And when I shave, I want it to be smooth not stubbly.


Because of my skin issues, I initially used an electric razor. I could never shave as close as I liked, but I rarely suffered from razor bumps. And while I could get a close shave with razors with many multiple blades, I found I was breaking out more often.  The Gillette SkinGuard razor is a two-blade system, so I was curious to see if I had to sacrifice closeness to keep my skin from breaking out.

But what does designed for sensitive skin really mean? According to Gillette, the SkinGuard razor:

1.    Absorbs pressure from the hand and minimizes the pressure of each blade.

2.    Smooths the skin to protect it from the blades.

3.    Raises the blades slightly from the skin to minimize contact with sensitive skin

So, how did I fair? I found that I was able to achieve the closeness that I crave with no skin irritation. Two things really stuck out. First, I noticed that there wasn’t that little tug I feel when using other razors. Typically, whenever I notice that tug, I experience some sort of irritation. Second, I was under the assumption that I had to apply much more pressure to achieve the closeness that I was accustomed to. That was not the case. The razor easily glided over my skin, and I was able to achieve that baby bottom smoothness that I love. And yes, no razor bumps!

So now, armed with a good razor (you can find them at your favorite grocery or pharmacy), here are a couple of other tips to assist in your fight against razor bumps, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Tip 1: Make sure your skin is warm and wet before gliding that razor over your face. I like to shave in the shower. I wash up first, allowing the water to soften my whiskers and open up my pores.

Tip 2: Shave along the grain. While shaving against the grain usually allows for a closer shave, you may be more inclined to get ingrown hairs—which leads to bumps and other skin irritations. I shave in two passes. A first, thorough pass along the grain. The second is a light touch up to hit spots I miss.

And, of course, use the SkinGuard (look for savings .at your preferred retailer)  in addition to the tips above for the best results!

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Christian Bentley February 1, 2019 - 1:10 pm

I can’t wait to try it.

dcfashionfool February 1, 2019 - 1:17 pm

Let me know how it works

Jamelle Sanders February 1, 2019 - 2:48 pm

Wow bro, I have to try this!

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