Fashion Navigation: A National Harbor fashion show

by dcfashionfool
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It’s Fashion Week at National Harbor and I’m in it! In lieu of a fashion show, National Harbor asked local area bloggers to participate in a virtual fashion show which started on Monday and runs through Saturday. In a sea full of beautiful women, I have the distinct pleasure of being the only male participating in this fashion event.

The week has been dubbed Fashion Navigation and I was asked to curate 2 looks – 1 day look and 1 date look featuring items that can be purchased at National Harbor. My incentive? The title of Captain of Harbor Style! Naturally I was up for the challenge. You can help me be successful. Voting for the top looks starts on May 21 on the National Harbor link. I hope I can get your vote!


Fashion Navigation Day Look


I went with a nautical themed look since I was at the National Harbor. DC weather has been so fickle this spring so I chose a light sweater and shorts. I think I drove the good folks over at Joseph A Banks crazy trying to find the right sweater. They do have a nice selection of casual wear. I paired the sweater with shorts from Black Dog. This store features the beachy casualness look from Martha’s Vineyard. It was the ideal spot to snag the shorts for my nautical look.

Fashion Navigation - Day look

Notice the blues don’t match entirely. You don’t want a look to be too matchy matchy. I thought this was an ideal look for a day at National Harbor. The Harbor is known for its fun festivals. Just last month was the Wine and Food Festival and coming up in June is the Beer, Bourbon and BBQ Festival (June 16 -17). I could easily see myself strolling around the waterfront tasting food samples and enjoying drinks in this look.

Seated in Fashion Navigation Day Look

Nautical striped sweater – Jos A. Banks; Blue knee deep short – Black Dog


Fashion Navigation Date Look


For those that know me, I can be pretty traditional and I love a tailored look. It’s not uncommon to see me in blues and grays but occasionally I like to break out with bold patterns and colors. I wanted color for my date look; I was thinking something perfect for a nice early dinner out by the water.

Fashion Navigation Date look

One of the major draws to National Harbor is Tanger Outlets National Harbor Outlets so I was able to find an amazing blazer at Hugo Boss. (Quick note: some of the friendliest staff can be found at the Tanger Premium Outlet Hugo Boss store! I even learned to figure out if clothes fit without having to try them on! Go there they’ll show you). I fell in love with the rose colored striped blazer the moment I saw it! Also at the outlets is Theory which is also great for modern suiting. I knew I could count on them for a pair of slacks. I nabbed a pair of off white ones that I knew would go well with the blazer.(Secret shopping tip: The factory stores get their retail looks as soon as 6 weeks after their full price counterparts.)

Fashion Navigation Date Look Close Up

Not being afraid to wear pattern on pattern, I paired the blazer with a mini-checked dressed shirt and patterned bow tie again from Joseph A Banks. It’s okay to combine patterns. Make sure that the patterns aren’t all too bold so that they compete with each other.

Smiling in Fashion Navigation Date Look

Striped rose blazer – Hugo Boss; Off white dress slacks – Theory; Mini-checked dress shirt – Jos A BaJosnks; Textured dot bow tie – Jos A Banks


Fashion Navigation

It was an honor to be asked to participate in Fashion Navigation and thanks National Harbor for sponsoring this post. I hope you like my looks. Don’t’ forget to head over to National Harbor’s link and vote for me! Voting begins May 21st. Thanks for your support!









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Kacy May 18, 2017 - 2:20 pm

Looking good as usual! Love both looks, but that blazer/shirt combination is killer.

Jamelle Sanders May 25, 2017 - 9:14 am

Loving your style bro!

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