Dollar Shave Club

by dcfashionfool
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On advise from a friend, I decided to check out Dollar Shave Club .  For as little as $1 per month. I could have razors delivered right to my door at a signifantly lower cost than what I pay to go pick up my Mach 3 razorblades at my local CVS.  The relatively low cost was incentive enough for me to give it a shot.  If that’s not enough, to lure you in, the video which has gone viral is hillarious and may just encourage you to try it out for youself.

I may even get my brother to try them, as the company has received an endorsement by his favoirite celebrity after whom my nephew was named. Tweeted by @NathanFillion, “This is the best f*cking commercial I’ve ever seen. Use an electric and I’m joining anyway.”
Of course, I upgraded to the $9 per month plan.  Hey it’s $9 and if I don’t like it I can always cancel.  You wanna try?  Here’s the link: How do the razors work?  Stay tuned.  Until later…Happy Shopping!

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