Capitol File Influencer Brunch

by dcfashionfool
Capitol File Influencer Brunch4945_edited-2
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Recently Capitol File hosted its first influencer brunch to celebrate its Instantly Stylish feature, which appeared in the March/April issue of the magazine. I was honored to be one of the influencers included at this beautiful event. Naturally, dressed to impress in some of my favorite spring attire, I got a chance to enjoy an incredible afternoon with the staff of the magazine. Plus spend some time with some of the Washington area’s popular influencers.

Capitol File Influencer Brunch group shot

While this was the first brunch this is not the first time, Capitol File has focused on influencers. The magazine has done a terrific job of reaching out to the influencer community and using them as a sounding board and as a source for information on fashion, food, lifestyle and travel. It’s not uncommon to see an influencer in their editorial pages, taking over their social media or adding commentary to the publication.

And rightly so. Lately, there’s been a lot said about the growing nature of social influencers in advertising, marketing and communication. In a short period of time bloggers now preferably known as social influencers or creators have become an invaluable communication tool through their social media channels. The idea of using individuals who speak to a certain audience or their peers is becoming more and more prevalent.

I believe that brands and publications such as Capitol File that recognize the importance and use influencers who are authentic and inspirational will be more successful in the long run. That means embracing influencers that may look different than their typically demographic allowing them to reach and capture and wider audience but still true to their core philosophies. Capitol File is doing that and for that I applaud them.

Enough of my soapbox. Enjoy the pics from this fantastic event!


Double breasted blazer – part of suit – Armani |White dress shirt –  Saks Fifth Avenue | Striped slacks – Ferragamo (no longer available)  | White loafers – Ferragamo  | Yellow lapel flower –  Hook and Albert

Event Details

Location: Osteria Morini

Swag: Kendra Scott | District Winery | Scout Bags 

Photography by: Mynor Ventura


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Nick April 23, 2018 - 6:18 pm

Excited that Cap File is hosting events like this. Y’all look wonderful!

Jamelle Sanders April 23, 2018 - 6:59 pm

You look amazing bro and it looks like it was a great event!

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