An influencer’s thoughts: Why I blog

by dcfashionfool
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Yes I blog

When I first started my blog, I thought it would be a great opportunity to share my thoughts and express my fashion ideas. With so many blogs out there, I figured it would just appeal to the 5 people, mostly family, that popped by my page. I started and stopped posting more times than I care to remember. But now it’s something I really have a passion for.

Blog standing

The terms people use these days are creator or social influencer but what does that really mean? To me that means being true to yourself and sharing your thoughts and opinions in an honest way. If I recommend a brand or product, it’s something that I stand behind.

Blog Felix Gray closeup

In fact, I like the idea of posting about my fashion finds, showcasing my style and giving my take on advice. However but it has not been without it’s challenges. I thought blogging would be a simple thing. You slap up a page jot down your thoughts and put up a few pretty pictures. However I’m finding it’s much more than that.


My blog challenges

Blog work

One of the hardest things to do is be consistent. I’d like to think I have something to say but sometimes it’s hard to keep it up on a regular basis. Life gets in the way or sometimes I just have writer’s block. It’s those times I just don’t know what to say. All I can do is be myself and hopefully that’s enough.

Blog concentration

Second who knew that maintaining a blog can be hard work? Before I started my site, terms like domain authority, SEO and page views were all foreign words to me. Now it’s these things I have to consider as I build my site or write a post.

Blog closeup on concentratiion Felix Gray blog

But my biggest struggle is trying to figure out how do I attract people to hear what I have to say? How do I break through all the noise? I’d like to think I have a voice and a definite style. I want to be one of the go to guys that people go to for fashion and style advice.

Computer and Felix Gray blog

The DCFashion Fool Blog call to action

Blogging at Starbucks

Help me make my site better. In a few weeks, The DCFashion Fool site is getting a whole new look. I want to bring you great content, show of my style and give you tips in keeping with my motto,

“You too can be a fool for fashion!”

But I want to hear from you. What do you want to hear and see from me? Send me your thoughts and comments. Call me out if I’m not being truthful and let’s make this a great stop on the web. My blog will be better for it and I will be deeply appreciative.

Jimmy Choo blog

Shop My Look/Details

Fuchsia cashmere sweater – Neiman Marcus; White dress shirt – Theory; Plaid dress slacks – Peter Millar ; Tassel loafers – Jimmy Choo; Glasses – Felix Gray  (Computerized glasses)

Full blog look

Photography by Jeffrey Thatcher Photography 

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1 comment

The keys to being a successful influencer - The DCFashion Fool February 10, 2019 - 12:13 am

[…] To read more about about me check out Why I Blog. […]

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