5 hottest sunglass trends

by dcfashionfool
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There’s something special about sunglasses in summertime. Sure sunglasses are important anytime a year but it seems that it’s summer when our favorite accessory gets the most attention. That’s why it’s so much fun to look at the sunglass trends.

Not only are sunglasses a great fashion accessory but they are also important for eye health. Sunglasses can help protect against UV-rays so naturally I think I should always have a great pair of glasses at my disposal. I mean if I must protect my eyes, I might as well have a few great looking pairs.

It’s funny I never used to lose sunglasses. However lately my sunnies have been dropping like flies. In the last few months I’ve lost several pairs that’s why I was excited when Visionworks asked me to try several pairs. Lucky me I get to show off the 5 hottest sunglass trends for the season. (It’s hard job but somebody has to do it!)

Retro rounds

Round sunglasses give a nice retro feel yet they still look really modern. I love these with the silver bar across the top. It makes the glasses seem edgy.

Sunglasses: Gant

Classic Aviators

Aviators have been a favorite for many years but are still relevant for today. These babies have long been the go to standard for men in uniform but they look great on us regular Joes as well. I like these because they are a bit oversized.

Sunglasses: Guess

Angular shapes

Squares and boxy shapes are really on trend this season. However sometimes these geometric shapes can be a bit too over the top. This angular pair is a bit subtler. I have a feeling these will carry me through several seasons.

Sunglasses: Alberto Romani

Sporty styles

The key to a good sporty pair of sunglasses is that they are lightweight and durable. However don’t let the description fool you. There’s no skimping on style. While these glasses are terrific for the outdoor enthusiast or the competitive athlete, they still look great.

Sunglasses: Trail Warrior

Pops of color

Do not be afraid to add color in your sunglass choices. I love blacks, browns and tortoise shell shades but a pop of color in your eyewear can take your fashion look to another level. I was pretty stoked matching the blue of frames to the inside blue of my shirt.

Sunglasses: Blue Moon

Any of these trends appeal to you? You can find all of these latest sunglass styles at Visionworks. Click here to find the nearest location.  Also leave a comment. Let me know your thoughts.

I am working in partnership with Visionworks and I am being compensated for my participation in this campaign. All thoughts/opinions are 100% my own.

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1 comment

Jamelle Sanders July 10, 2017 - 4:26 pm

I’m liking all of these bro. Aviators will always be my favorite though!

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