4 Suit tip secrets to get more uses out of your suits

by dcfashionfool
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It’s no secret, when you see me a lot of times, I’m dressed in a suit. For me it’s an easy way to dress, I feel good and I think it hides some of my flaws (sometimes that belly is a little bigger than I like). A lot of guys don’t feel the same way and many don’t own one. Some of the reasons, their jobs don’t require it, they don’t go places where a suit is needed, etc. For them then the question become do you really need to own a suit? What are the suit tip secrets to get more use out of my suits?

First. Do I need a suit?


Of course if I were a retailer, my answer would be, “Definitely yes!” However I think the true answer is probably, “Maybe.” After all, there is no point in shelling out money for something that’s just going to hang in you closet. If you’re going to buy something make sure you’re going to get some use out of it. It’s the same reasoning a guy should make when he’s making the decision to rent or buy a tuxedo.

Suit tip secrets #1: Buy your suit as separates


Separates are an excellent way to put together a suit because you can get a better fit if your body type does not fall into the off the rack sizing. This allows you to get a better fit on both the jacket and the pants. If you go this route, you should still use a tailor to ensure that good fit is an even better fit. Theory is a great brand if you’re looking for suits as separates. Find Theory here.

Suit tip secrets #2: Don’t be afraid to mix it up


Another reason I like separates is that they show the versatility of a suit. The jacket and pants do not always have to be worn together. This gives a lot more options for wearing your suit so it’s not relegated to just hanging in the closet. I’ll admit, I tend to wear the blazer by itself more than the pants but sometimes the pants get their chance.

Bonus suit tip: When dry-cleaning – Always take both the jacket and blazer together even if you don’t wear one or the other. Dry cleaning can change the coloring and if they don’t go together the pieces might no longer match when worn together.


Suit tip secrets #3: Mix up the details


One of the things many guys are guilty of is when they wear a suit, they always pair the same shirt and tie combination. Changing up you details can give your suit a fresh new look. Plus it’s usually much cheaper to change your details than to buy a new suit.

There’s a guy I work with that only wears a suit for our annual holiday party. Each year it’s been the same suit and shirt and tie combination. It was the first thing everyone noticed when looking at holiday pictures over the years.

Suit tip secrets #4: Make your suit casual


Lose the tie or add sneakers. Just because it’s a suit, you don’t always have to be formal. By making it more relaxed, you’ll have more occasions to wear your suit. Again, the idea is to wear the clothes you own and not just let them hang in the closet.



Shop my Details

This post used suit separates from Theory. Find Theory suits here.

Blue Blazer | Blue Slacks | Gray Blazer | Gray Slacks

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Jamelle Sanders October 2, 2017 - 2:47 pm

Lots of great tips bro!

dcfashionfool October 5, 2017 - 1:16 pm

Thanks so much I appreciate it.

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